Sunday, January 10, 2010

Turning 2

Licking bright blue cancer-causing food coloring laden icing off a store-bought cupcake with a paper Winni the Pooh on a stick, Evangeline grinned at everyone around her and said "goon day." Thankfully, she has low expectations and eating crap cupcakes surrounded by her family counts as a good day. Granted, the child picks her nose and eats it and tells me it is good so perhaps the bar is just really, really low. I haven't showered today and our door was like the revolving doors of Saks 5th Avenue the week of Christmas. There were more people over at our place in one day than I saw for months at a time during my pregnancy. But Evangeline really didn't seem to care. She had a great time playing with her sisters, watching Winni the Pooh, and doing massive carb loading through out the day because I was too exhausted to try to get her to eat anything with more nutritional value than pretzels, cereal and apples. The friends here visiting looked at us with a mixture of concern and disbelief when we gave Evangeline one of her gifts (the others are waiting until the small celebration we are having for her next week which is just an excuse to buy me more time to wrap them), they just couldn't understand how a child-size broom was a worthy birthday gift. I think they thought we were setting her up to join in with the work around the house. She actually LIKES sweeping! I don't think they bought it. E was excited though and I'm not just saying that. I promise, a broom isn't her only gift. By my standards today was a pretty lame birthday but she seemed to enjoy it.

Happy 2nd Birthday Evangeline! We love you and are so glad you are a part of our family.

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